My services:

  • 1:1 Coaching

    Are you a parent, teacher, organizational leader, or romantic partner looking to improve your communication and problem-solving skills? My rational, compassion-based approach is perfect for: Life Coaching, Executive Coaching, Mindset Coaching, Parenting Coaching, and Personal NVC Mentorship.

  • Group Trainings & Workshops

    Organization struggling to create a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere? Are you or your employees experiencing “burnout”? Culture not resilient or creative enough? My group workshops are designed teach your team the skills to ensure that everyone feels heard, supported, and nourished to perform at their very best. Available trainings include: Introduction to Nonviolent Communication, Basic Listening Skills, Conflict De-Escalation, and Workplace Values Transformation.

  • Mediation

    Interpersonal conflict is one of the biggest predictors of organizational failure. Whether you’re part of a married couple, parent-teacher association, or barbershop quartet, my mediation services can salvage what is at risk of being broken. I can help bridge the gap between people and groups who can’t seem to find common ground beneath their feet.